Types of farming

What are the principles of agrobiology?

Organic or agrobiological agriculture has the particularity of being governed by certain general principles and certification programs. Its concept is therefore to put a full emphasis on the market to promote its products through labels, which means having a well…

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What is permaculture?

The word permaculture comes from the word “permanent culture”. It is the set of ways to cultivate the earth by protecting their natural wealth. This project aims to create an environment. It can be used in another notion such as…

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The Grenelle Environment Round Table’s measures on agriculture

The Grenelle Environment Round Table aims to combat global warming. It is in this sense that agriculture is the subject of several measures. What does the Grenelle Environment Round Table provide for agriculture? The Grenelle Environment Round Table was initiated…

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Is food-producing agriculture in demand in France?

Today, many people are interested in food-producing agriculture in France. It is an agriculture mainly intended for the self-consumption of farmers and local populations. It is less deviated towards the agri-food industries and export products. Indeed, it is largely devoted…

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