What is permaculture?

Published on : 18 March 20203 min reading time

The word permaculture comes from the word “permanent culture”. It is the set of ways to cultivate the earth by protecting their natural wealth. This project aims to create an environment. It can be used in another notion such as a landscape, an ecology.

What are the elements of permaculture?

There are many elements of permaculture. First of all, the forest that fights against mulching and erosion.  Notably, the care and monitoring are not complicated thanks to the afforestation of the plants. Thus, the existence of animals is necessary to avoid weeds and pests. Therefore, organic agriculture is the foundation of permaculture for energy productivity. Consumption is reduced thanks to organic farming. Thus, it reduces displacement and improves the gains from the environment. Therefore, the activity is less difficult and reasonable. Fencing is also one of the elements of permaculture. The hedge is a contour between the cultivated land and the ecosystem. Hence, those who have this project are not necessarily ingenious. This project is quite feasible and easy but effective.

What is the principle of permaculture?

Permaculture is used to estimate the productivity of the ecosystem through their exact composition. Each permaculturist can put his own principle to enrich those of the origin. So, the principle is not fixed but it changes with time and evolution. Permaculture is a project that captures the environment in its totality so to examine these components. The permaculturist seeks the energy of human beings for the respect of natural development. The respect of natural development is done for example by changing the insecticide and reducing waste. Permaculture pushes individuals to make a choice. In this way, it supports a change in the way of thinking about action in the workplace.

How is permaculture applied?

Agriculture is the primary tool of permaculture. Agriculture using the permaclture system is very different from simple farming. What differentiates agriculture that uses permaculture is the fact that there is a wide variety of climates and territories. While the aim is to seek energy efficiency. In order to achieve the goal, unnecessary work in this area must be avoided. Rather, the free favours represented by the environment must be valued. In particular, permacultivators do not use chemicals to achieve good fertility and not to destroy the pedofauna. This makes the work easy and efficient.

It is important to grasp permaculture for the independence of a system whether it is a garden or something else. Its effectiveness combats various problems such as erosion, pests. Therefore, permaculture uses the patterns of the forest (grasses, cover plants, …) for soil and root development.

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